The North American Resource for Accreditation of Systems and Training (NARAST) is an organization that provides accreditation to management system certification bodies, certifiers of specific compliance programs, and training entities.
NARAST accreditation programs are based on recognized national and international standards that guarantee the global acceptance of your accreditations.
NARAST conducts accreditation for management system certification bodies based on the following standards:
NARAST's maturity as a management systems accreditation body speaks for itself, as its reputation is focused on assessing all the competencies of certifying bodies based on technical issues and strictly following the requirements of ISO / IEC 17021-1.
Our accreditation board acts in a very complete way, ensuring that companies that have their certificates with NARAST accreditation have full market recognition with respect to the level of compliance and competence to provide goods and services.
Since its inception, NARAST has focused on customer needs, ensuring compliance with requirements. We are committed to working internationally to promote solid, rigorous and harmonious accreditation processes.